About Us
 Strategic Priorities
The long term outlook in the Indian Media & Entertainment domain continues to be robust and positive and Percept has major plans for investment and growth in this domain. Our goal is to grow both organically and inorganically, and we are committed to creating long-term sustainable shareholder value through the successful implementation of our growth plans.

Percept plans to maintain its unique leadership position across the Entertainment, Media and Communications domain by continuing to grow its businesses in the traditional services area as also expanding its presence in the Intellectual Properties arena. Our aim is to convert path breaking innovative ideas into Assets across the Entertainment, Sports and Fashion domain in order to create long term value for Brand Percept as well as our Clients and Investors. This is in keeping with the evolving and dynamic changes and growth in the Entertainment & Media Industry in India and would enable Percept to bring greater focus, synergy, efficiencies and diversity in its service offerings to its stakeholders.

 Across all of our businesses, Percept is focused on 3 strategic priorities:

  • Creating world class quality and innovative content that cuts across geographies and consumer demographics
    • Applying avant-garde technology to enhance the consumer experience
    • Expanding our global presence thereby becoming the first Indian company to successfully create and market 'glocal' intellectual properties in the media and entertainment domain
Percept will strive towards building enduring trust with shareholders, investors, associates, clients and employees by employing ethical corporate governance practices. Percept believes in the highest form of accountability, transparency, values, ethics and regulatory compliances, and our corporate conduct, culture and policies exude and promote these traits in all our people.